Orthodontic Treatment in Norton Shores


Sometimes early orthodontic intervention is necessary to help increase the success of a patient’s future orthodontic care. These interventions can include expanders, space-maintainers, and underbite-intervention.

Types of Pre-Orthodontic Treatment

Our approach to Pre-Orthodontic Care

Observation and Growth Analysis Process

During the complimentary consultation, we'll examine the jaw, bite, and positioning of teeth. Depending on how old the patient is, we can plan for growth and development to aid us in choosing the best time to begin orthodontic treatment. Sometimes it is best to wait until the moment is right!


We use palate expanders as a pre-orthodontic treatment to widen the upper jaw, creating more space for teeth and to improve bite function. This is often necessary in children or teens whose upper jaw may be too narrow, which can lead to crowding, crossbites, or other orthodontic issues. By expanding the palate, future orthodontic treatments like braces can be more effective.


Braces can be used as a pre-orthodontic treatment to fix issues like crooked or misaligned teeth early on. By addressing these initial problems, braces can create a better foundation for more advanced treatments, like palate expanders or more comprehensive orthodontic work. This staged approach can lead to faster and more effective overall treatment.
Pre-orthodontic treatment

Common FAQ

What is pre-orthodontic treatment?
Pre-orthodontics is the initial stage of orthodontic care, focusing on young children to address potential dental or jaw issues early on. It involves monitoring the development of teeth and jaws and may include interventions like spacers or partial braces to ensure proper alignment. The aim is to prevent or lessen the need for more extensive treatment in the future.
Are pre-orthodontic treatments important?
Pre-orthodontic treatments are important because it helps us identify early tooth and jaw issues. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes and may shorten the overall time needed for orthodontic care. This proactive approach can also help avoid complications that might arise if problems are left untreated.
What is a MARPE expander?
A MARPE (Mini-Implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander) is an orthodontic device used to widen the upper jaw (maxilla) in adolescents and adults. Unlike traditional palatal expanders, which rely solely on the teeth for support, a MARPE expander is anchored to the palate using small mini-implants or screws, providing greater stability and effectiveness.
What does an MARPE expander treat?
A MARPE expander is used to treat issues related to a narrow upper jaw, such as crowding of teeth, crossbites, and insufficient space for proper dental alignment. It can also be employed to address breathing problems caused by a constricted airway, as widening the upper jaw can improve nasal airflow.
When should I take my child to the orthodontist?
It's generally recommended to take your child to the orthodontist by the age of 7. At this age, an orthodontist can assess the development of your child's teeth and jaw, identifying any potential issues early on. Early visits allow for timely interventions.
What are the early signs that my child needs orthodontic treatment?
Some early signs that your child may need braces include: crowded teeth, jaw misalignment, missing teeth, difficulty chewing, and speech impediments.

Food & Braces

Curious what you should eat during your orthodontic treatment to take care of your braces? 

Braces Terminology

Ever wondered what "bite turbo" or "exposure chain" means? Learn the definitions for commonly used orthodontic terms.